Houses For Sale In Bloomington, MN

Houses For Sale in Bloomington, MN can be found on this page by utilizing the map search which is updated by MLS®. Find the latest listings here!

One of Bloomington’s biggest draws is the amount of nature that it is surrounded by. The Japanese Garden at the Normandale College Campus is a must visit. Open year-round, the garden spans over two acres and you can observe plants that are native to Japan.

Explore Houses For Sale In Bloomington, MN

The map search is here to guide you in your search for the perfect houses for sale in Bloomington, MN. The listings you see on the map are constantly updated from MLS® for the most up-to-date information. Take a look through what is available and once you have found a few properties you are interested in, The Nancy Walker Team will happily arrange in-person showings! Start your search to find your perfect Bloomington house!